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We hope that you will provide your Feedback (as defined below) so that we may better support, improve and pursue the work presented on this website or related work you may have seen elsewhere. However, you agree that you will not supply Feedback that infringes or violates the rights of others, and you hereby grant a License to Public Impact (as defined below) in your Feedback. You agree that we have no obligation to pay you or anyone else for Feedback or for the License to us. “Feedback” means all remarks, data, suggestions, methods, surveys, reports, processes and ideas (including patentable ideas) and other content that you provide about the content of this website or related work whether provided to us or persons working with us, and whether provided through other fora.
As used above, “License to us” means a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to Public Impact to exercise all now or later existing intellectual property rights or other rights of yours or others in the Feedback, for purposes of supporting this project (as determined by us in our discretion from time to time) in full or in part and in all possible media (now known or later developed). The foregoing rights include (but are not limited to), the right to display, perform, read (on air or otherwise), and publish in public or private sites, newspapers or other media, brochures, reports and so on, all or part of the Feedback and any other information that you provide. The License to us is in addition to any (if any) that you may be required to provide under any separate agreement between us and you.